Portraits & Self-Portraits Info


  1.  Alter Your Perspective-completely changing the angle that you shoot from can give your portrait a real wow factor
  2. Play with Eye Contact- looking of camera & looking into frame
  3. Anticipating Behavior & Predicting Relationships Within the Frame-knowing your subjects well enough to be able to anticipate what they are going to do, understanding human nature and being aware of how people usually react in given situations

Environmental Portrait
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I like this portrait because it is a candid that shows a lot of the background and emphasizes the setting. I'm also not sure what the men in the picture are doing so it interests me.

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I like this portrait because the pretty mountains and nature in the back is shown, but the main focus is the lady. I like the mystic, nautical feel.

Photography Self Portrait
Image result for photography self portrait
I like his portrait because the man is almost fading into the background and his eyes and glasses reflect the scene around him.
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I like this portrait because the girls each have different facial expressions, and it gives off a magical feeling to the viewer.

Casual Portrait
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I like this portrait because it is a candid and the boy is focused on the flower. He is focused on something else within the frame, making it interesting.
Image result for casual portrait
I like this portrait because the lighting is different than most I've seen. It adds an extra element to the photo and emphasizes the outline of the girl. 


Who: my brother 
Where: in from of hockey net or hockey rink
What: make sure lighting is good, focus in on eyes & mask

Who: my mom


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