Free Write - Embarrassment

Settled in after a long day, I finally got the chance to lay down and relax. I shut out the sound of the TV downstairs as my eyes began to slowly close, my exhaustion taking over.

My mind takes me back to third grade. Mrs. Grance’s class was generally a good class, but there were definitely some bad days consisting of the kids not getting along or the teacher being way too intense for third graders to handle. In second grade, one of my closer friends was named Atticus, who now is a freshman at Bowie too. Being young, we were still very childish, so messing with each other was an every day occurrence. Sometimes we took our play a little too far, but I never minded, it was all fun and games.

One day, we were completing an assignment that required teacher approval along the way, which meant that people were walking to and from their seats to our teacher a lot. For some reason, Atticus was laying down and working on the “class carpet” at the front of the room, so when I would go up to check my work, I passed him every time. Thinking he was being sneaky and funny, he stuck his foot out to attempt to trip me, which I found extremely annoying. I stumbled and ignored it the first time, but I was visibly aggravated. Giving him the exact reaction he wanted, he kept trying to trip me in hopes of making me want to pull my hair out.

I began playing soccer when I was three, so by third grade I had already been playing awhile. I’d play almost every day, which was great in terms of the game, but was not in my favor in this situation. Being fed up with his game, I decided I would softly kick him on my way over to Mrs. Grance, which was not the best idea. Not paying attention, I threw my foot out to kick Atticus way too hard. He instinctively grabbed his shin out of pain and shot me a dirty, yet humorous, glance. He got up and hobbled his way over to Mrs. Grance to talk about the assignment, but he made it very clear he was in pain. He held his shin with his left hand and almost gasped as he was talking until our teacher asked him what was wrong. He said it was my fault almost instantly. She called me up to ask about the situation, so I was forced to tell her, but what I planned to say sounded a lot better in my head than out loud. All she took from it was that I kicked Atticus, so she moved my clip down, which was very important to me at the time, so I was not happy. Atticus snickered to himself until he was away from the teacher. Coincidentally, both my mom and Atticus’ mom were coming to the school to help Mrs. Grance with our class garden that day, and I had a feeling she would tell them the situation. I worried myself the whole day, almost feeling sick at the idea of Mrs. Grance telling the story wrong and getting me in trouble with both moms. What a nightmare that would be.

I shot out of bed, far from asleep, and almost laughed. Being the first story I think of when someone says to recall an embarrassing moment, that sure is something small that has stuck with me for the longest time. Now, we hardly know each other and pass through the halls with no reaction. I bet he doesn’t even remember.


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