Final Review
1. Timeliness - how recent something happened
2. Proximity - how close subject is to where you physically are
3. Human Interest - something appealing to human nature, unique/strange/imteresting
4. Prominence - how important subject is
5. Conflict - disagreements, fight/sports game rivalry/person vs person
^^reasons would choose to write a story
6 multiple choice
6. Interviews - something something reporter conducts with source, conversations
7. Research - reports should do after getting story idea/person, additional/background info
8. Quotations - words from sources
9. Yes-no question - questions that can be answered with yes or no
10. follow-up question - question asked to get source to elaborate further/continue with answer
word bank - use each once
11. Objective writing - sentence with little/no opinion in it
3 questions
12. Transition paragraph - paragraph linking quotations or paragraphs together
13. Hard news story - timely, break news story
14. Soft news story - written in news format, older/less recent topic
15. Inverted Pyramid - writing style for hard news
16. Third-person point of view - way to write in everything but reviews and commentaries (I vs we/us vs she/he/they)
17. 5 Ws and H lead - used in ledes in hard news stories
18. editing - preparing for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying writing
multiple choice - 1 question each
19. attribution - giving credit to source for what they said
20. paraphrase - indirect quote, summary of what sources said rewritten in own words but attributed to source
21. fragmentary quotation - incomplete, fragmented quote
22. direct quotation - exact word for word count of what the source said
23. partial quotation - A full quote is "introduced" with a comma or a colon, partial quote gets no such introduction, because it becomes part of the sentence in which it resides
^^ word bank, 5 choices & 4 questions
24. Uses of quotations - convey feeling and emotions to pull reader into story
25. When to use quotations - never quote facts, always quote opinions
^^ 5 multiple choice
26. When quotations are unnecessary or not desired - don't quote/attribute general knowledge
27. Editorial - newspaper's opinion on a topic (editorial board- editors deciding what editorial will be/stance it will take)
28. editorial page - page(s) that have editorial, columns, opinion pieces, political cartoons, reviews, and staff box
29. columns -written my individual person that expresses their opinion on a topic
^^word bank, use each once
30. editorial that criticizes - right vs wrong editorial
31. editorial that explains - informational/explaining editorial
32. editorial that persuades - convincing/mind changing editorial, offers solutions to problem
33. letter to the editor -something written by someone in community to the newspaper
33. letter to the editor -something written by someone in community to the newspaper
^^word bank, use each once
3 True or False
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