Current Event Quiz #4

Short Response Questions

  1. Senator Susan Collins, Senator John McCain, Senator Rand Paul, and Senator Ted Cruz all do not support the latest effort by the GOP to repeal and replace Obamacare.
  2. North Korea last shot down a U.S. warplane in 1969, which was during the Nixon administration.
  3. Skimmers are devices used by thieves to steal people's credit or debit card numbers and rack up a large amount of money for themselves to take.
  4. Target believes raising its internal hourly wage will help them hire and keep their best employees, as well as make shopping a better experience for their customers.
  5. Robert Baden-Powell is credited for founding the worldwide Boy Scout movement in 1907.

Long Response Questions

  1. I've heard that the conflict has been occurring for a few weeks, but that it'd only been with few players at a time. However, the "trend" caught on, and now whole teams are kneeling to the national anthem. For example, the Cowboys NFL team all linked arms and kneeled during their game this last weekend.
  2. I do not think NFL players should be required to and for the national anthem. Although I think it is respectful for them to do so, I think it is still their right to choose whether or nor to stand. It is a form of peaceful protest, therefore not a crime. However, the players should only kneel if they have good reason, not just for when they disagree with something small that the government/US is going through.
  3. I do not think it is acceptable for NFL players to stay in the locker rooms and not participate at all. It is still our country's national anthem and I believe all players should respect it enough to be present. Staying away from the anthem all together would only make those who disagree with them kneeling more upset. 
  4. President Trump made the right choice to address the issue and input his thoughts, but I think his message would have been more effective if it were done in a more professional way. Additionally, because Twitter is a social media platform, followers are able to voice their opinions and backlash, which could lead to more disagreements and arguing.
  5. I think race definitely plays a role in the actions of the kneeling football players. They are making a stand by protesting the anthem in order to show that the discriminatory acts that have occurred need to stop. Nobody should be judged, much less hurt or killed, based on their race. Race is a very common topic that has been causing problems in our country lately. 
  6. Colin Kaepernick went to college and played football at the University of Nevada, and he is currently a free agent. I don't know much else about him, but I can assume he is a very bold, opinionated person from his decision to be the first to kneel to the national anthem. 


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