Additional Student of the Month Interview

Teacher Interview

Teacher of Student of the Month Interview

  1. What is your name, and what grade do you teach?
  2. Why do you like or dislike the Student of the Month system?
  3. What is asked from a student that aims to win Student of the Month?
  4. How do you keep the students focused on their school work, rather than the award?
  5. What could other students learn from the winning student, Katie?
  1. My name is Mrs. Cole, and I teach Pre-AP world geography for ninth graders.
  2. I like the Student of the Month system because I think it is beneficial for the students to set goals for themselves.
  3. The Student of the Month winner must be respectful, have straight A's, turn in their assignments on time, and show they're going full effort at all times, just as Katie was.
  4. I tell my students to focus on their school work and the the reward is just a bonus. It is not a competition.
  5. Other students can try to model Katie's good behavior and perseverance. They should learnt never give up, even after failing.

Friend of the Student of the Month Interview

  1. What is your name, and how did you become friends with Katie?
  2. How is Katie a role model and friend you look up to?
  3. Do you think the deserved this award? Why or why not?
  4. What words come to mind when you think of Katie?
  5. What would you say is Katie's strongest skill?
  1. My name is Stacy Walk, and I became friends with Katie through having classes with her at school and being in dance together.
  2. I look up to Katie because she is trustworthy, kind, smart, and dedicated in everything she does. She has a well-rounded personality, which I admire.
  3. Katie definitely deserved this award because she never misses school, always gives 110%, inspires other to do their best, and always follows the rules and procedures of the teachers.
  4. Katie's name reminds me of words such as remarkable, intelligent, honest, helpful, and brave. She never backs down from a challenge and is a great person. She is very kind to everyone she meets, and I've never seen her be rude towards another person in any way.
  5. I'd say Katie's strongest skill is being able to persevere through obstacles without once thinking of quitting or giving up.  


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