My Favorite Cover

"With the New York Yankees closing in on a fall vacation, it meant that the final home game for Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter would come in late September, when ESPN The Magazine was set to celebrate all things Cleveland. The future Hall of Famer's retirement dominated the sports world; the chorus of send-offs from columnists, TV hosts and commercials served as an early-fall replacement for October playoff talk. But The Magazine chose a cover that reflects more quiet reverence than extended standing ovation. It depicts The Captain--the most iconic baseball player of his era--in his tradition of leading the Yankees onto the field before each home game. This time, though, Jeter is silhouetted out of the frame and into an all-white background. Jeter isn't only running onto the field--but into immortality."

I like this portrait because it is very simple and elegant. The baseball player, Derek Jeter, is clearly the main focus, and the white background and shadow man his figure the center of attention. I also like the colors and font used, for they work together well and create unity in the photo. The quote was also a nice touch. Though I can see how leaving the cover plain creates a clean, minimalist look, it does not give much information on what could be inside the magazine. The contents could range from stories, memories, and flashbacks of Jeter's are, to other sports topics. I categorize this cover as an informal photograph because it is a photo of Jeter leading his teammates onto the field (even if they are not shown), so he is not specifically posed for the picture. This sharp, unique cover really caught my eye, and I think is it a very strong cover overall.


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