CE #5.1

Short Answer Questions

  1. The "March for Our Lives" is scheduled to occur on March 24th.
  2. Sunrise Tactical Supply sold Nikolas Cruz his weapon.
  3. The mechanical engineering program and Cockerel School of Engineering will receive money from Rick Church.
  4. The top three teams for total medals at the Winter Olympics so far are Norway, Germany, and Canada.
  5. Diversity is at the heart of success of the Black Panther movie.

Long Answer Questions

  1. Yondr is the company making cell phone pouches. It was founded by Graham Dugong in 2014 and is popular in America, Australia, and Europe.
  2. They are used in over 600 schools in the US alone. Teachers and students from these schools have noticed a change in how everyone interacts without their phones on them at all times.
  3. The concept behind the pouches is hat locking away your phone and taking it out of sight will allow people to be fully engaged in conversation with those around them and interact with your surroundings.
  4. Some of the side effects at the San Lorenzo HS were that after the school began enforcing the pouches, grades went up and the students needed less discipline.
  5. I think pouches would be useful for anything that would require peoples' full attention or for anything where people should get off their phones and enjoy the moment. Important events where phones aren't needed/allowed would also be great for the pouches to be used.
  6. If Bowie started using them, I would dislike the idea, but would also understand the purpose behind it. I do think it would help increase focus during classes. Though I would follow the new expectations, I think a lot of kids would try even harder to keep their phones with them throughout the day.
  7.  I think people will only begin using phones less if it is proven that they are harmful in multiple ways to the user. However, since phones and technology are currently such a big part of peoples' lives, I would not expect this to happen any time soon. The popularity and advanced technology of phones is undeniable, which is why so many people have them and rely on them almost too much.


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