Photography Composition
This photo shows simplicity by focusing in on one individual building. Nothing else is distracting the viewer from focusing on the building and the background is not noisy, so the visual focus is always on the building.
This photo shows the rule of thirds by placing the two firemen holding the injured man on the right top and bottom third of the screen. The main focus of the photo is on the men, but the viewer can also see what is going on around them,adding a whole new element to the photo.
In this photo, the lines on the building line up with the man's vertical position as he is falling. The consistent, repetitive lines draw the viewer's attention to the person.
This photo shows balance by having two men on the right closer to the camera while having several people on the left farther away from the camera. It shows asymmetrical balance.
In this photo, smoke and debris covers the whole sky above the buildings, giving the photo a sensation of being framed, which adds more depth and gives it an interesting background.
I said this photo is a merger because the main person who seems to be wearing a backpack is overlapping two other people in the photo. The tree is also lined up with a person in the photo, so the viewer can't see it well. It is hard to clarify what exactly is going on in the photo.

Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)
This photo shows symmetry because the two crashed plane windows are opposite of each other and each surrounded by nature above them and to the right. It is an unusual photo that interests viewers.

This photo was taken from a far away viewpoint beneath a bridge. The photographer shows viewers what the situation looked like from outside the city and gives a new purpose to the photo.

Create Depth
This photo shows depth by having the shoes on the tree be the initial thing the viewer sees while still having more for the viewer to see in the background area. Behind the tree, debris lays on the ground, firefighters gather to try and help the situation, and fire/smoke can be seen in the sky. 

In this photo, not much outside of the collapsing building is shown. The viewer's attention is focused only on the building, and there is no noise in the background to distract them. 


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