Peer Critique

Faith's Feature Story
  1. Garland O'Quinn, Virginia O'Quinn, Samuel Lawrence, and Carie Lawrence were the sources.
  2. O'Quinn is an extraordinary man who competed in the 60' olympics after being encouraged to get into gymnastics by his teacher at Westpoint Academy. With some experience coaching, he helped the US win 5th place that year. He is now a successful author and loving father and husband.
  3. 34 paragraphs
  4. 1051 words
  5. 17 direct quotes
  6. 4 people quoted
  7. "...he will go on and on about how much he enjoyed interacting with the other people. He says that everyone comes together because of the sports, but the best part about the Olympics is the people"
  8. middle of story
  9. Yes
  10. If possible, it would've been really cool to interview the coach, Tom Maloney.
  11. Yes
  12. What challenges did O'Quinn experience training for or during the olympics? Did the olympics change him in any way or shape his personality?
  13. O'Quinn Reflects on Olympian Experience
  14. I think the story was very well written and interesting to read. I liked the poem included in the last paragraph, and I thought it added a personal touch to the story.
  15. I would give this story a 95-100. It was a quality story, but I would extend and add more to some of the transition paragraphs. Good job!


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