Free Write - Fear
Ironically, fear is something most people are afraid of. Nobody wants to be scared to death, their heart pounding and palms sweating. Fear can cloud judgment and trick us into making different decisions than we normally would, but can it ever be a good thing?
Fear is one of the many elements that keeps us alive. Instincts, for example, are a great demonstration of how fear keeps us safe. If we sense something dangerous or difficult ahead, the feeling of fear can prevent us from doing anything that could put us in danger. It helps us attempt to avoid these types of situations. It determines how we respond and react in different circumstances. Without fear, we would have no feeling of safety or danger. It is essential for survival, and the human race has thrived on it since the beginning of our existence.
Being scared and frightened encourages action. Think about your biggest dreams, however out of reach they may seem. Some of them may seem impossible, especially if they could get in the way of reality and making a living. Stepping out of of your comfort zone and embracing your fears is often the first step to pursue these dreams. Fear can stand in the way of many things, but once it's embraced, it can serve as a positive motivator and push you to bigger things.
Looking back on times I've been scared, along with the fear I always felt a rush of excitement. I used to be terrified of roller coasters. I still get scared some when I ride them today, but I will repeatedly ride them as much as I can. The thrill and excitement that comes with fear is what made me like roller coasters so much more. Adrenaline levels rise when people do things outside their comfort zones, making them feel as if they're on cloud nine. This feeling of energy is one of the most captivating I've experienced and enriches every memory I have.
Fear leads to finding courage and strength. Courage is realized in the face of fear and how people react during tough, scary situations. Having the courage and strength to do the right thing in fearful times reveals a lot of character. Without fear, courage wouldn't exist.
In most cases, fear is considered an awful, terrible thing. But looking at it from a different perspective, fear is a positive aspect of our life that we can twist and use to our advantage. Fear has two sides, just as most things do, but not all people see it that way. If you ask me, everything has a sliver lining.
Fear is one of the many elements that keeps us alive. Instincts, for example, are a great demonstration of how fear keeps us safe. If we sense something dangerous or difficult ahead, the feeling of fear can prevent us from doing anything that could put us in danger. It helps us attempt to avoid these types of situations. It determines how we respond and react in different circumstances. Without fear, we would have no feeling of safety or danger. It is essential for survival, and the human race has thrived on it since the beginning of our existence.
Being scared and frightened encourages action. Think about your biggest dreams, however out of reach they may seem. Some of them may seem impossible, especially if they could get in the way of reality and making a living. Stepping out of of your comfort zone and embracing your fears is often the first step to pursue these dreams. Fear can stand in the way of many things, but once it's embraced, it can serve as a positive motivator and push you to bigger things.
Looking back on times I've been scared, along with the fear I always felt a rush of excitement. I used to be terrified of roller coasters. I still get scared some when I ride them today, but I will repeatedly ride them as much as I can. The thrill and excitement that comes with fear is what made me like roller coasters so much more. Adrenaline levels rise when people do things outside their comfort zones, making them feel as if they're on cloud nine. This feeling of energy is one of the most captivating I've experienced and enriches every memory I have.
Fear leads to finding courage and strength. Courage is realized in the face of fear and how people react during tough, scary situations. Having the courage and strength to do the right thing in fearful times reveals a lot of character. Without fear, courage wouldn't exist.
In most cases, fear is considered an awful, terrible thing. But looking at it from a different perspective, fear is a positive aspect of our life that we can twist and use to our advantage. Fear has two sides, just as most things do, but not all people see it that way. If you ask me, everything has a sliver lining.
I like that you tied this story back to your own life. Fear is a powerful thing and you recognize that. I like how you tried to find a positive slant to how fear can control you, but not if you don't let it. Good story.