The Big Day Notes & Interviews

The man in the Volkswagon is trying to make it to the wedding of the woman he loves, even though she's preparing to marry another man. As the bride is getting ready, she keeps looking out the window, looking for the man she truly loves, rather than who she's marrying. In a hurry, this man is trying to get to the the wedding as fast as he can, and he ends up arriving just on time to interrupt the wedding.


Who- guy driving car, bride, bridesmaids, other man in room: bride's father, priest/minister, groom, wedding guests
What- wedding
When- September 16, 2017
Where- driving long ways through long/windy road, dark/heavy forest, flat plains, past beach, over a bridge, through mountains, through cities; the church (California)
Why in story
How in story

  • man driving seems anxious, is speeding, gripping when tightly, checking time consistently
  • bride seems happy, relaxed and then turns nervous, uncertain, fiddles with ring
  • bride looks out window
  • dad present while bride is getting ready, looks like he's studying bride, checks time
  • bride sees man run in, looks at groom, and looks down at the floor, looks ashamed

Bride (Anna)-
  1. What were you feeling as you got ready for your wedding? Why?
  2. How long did you know the groom before he proposed?
  3. Were your surprised when James ran into your wedding? If so, why? 
  1. I felt relatively relaxed and happy until the time for me to actually get married neared. I begin to feel nervous, my palms sweating and heart pounding. Marrying my husband is a big commitment, and though this thought once brought me joy, it now made me feel somewhat regretful.
  2. I had known him for 6 months before we got engaged.
  3. I was very surprised when James showed up, but I always knew it was a possibility. I feared the complication of his appearance greatly, and didn't want to be put in this position. 
Man in Car (James)-
  1. What is your name, and how do you know the bride?
  2. How were you feeling as you rushed to try and make it to the wedding?
  3. Why were you so eager to get to the wedding, and what what your intentions?
  1. My name is James Blacker. I'd been very close with the bride for several years prior to the wedding.
  2. I was anxious, rushed, panicky, and impatient. It felt as if time were in slow motion and it was a battle of will whether I'd make it on time.
  3. I planned to tell Anna how  really feel about her. I figured I should at least give it a shot before I lost her forever.
Groom (Daniel)-
  1. Do you know the man who interrupted your wedding? If so from where?
  2. How long have you been in a relationship with the woman you were preparing to marry? Would you say you've always had a happy relationship with Anna?
  1. I do not know him too well personally, but I know he dated Anna for a long time. She had been very secretive about her relationship with him, which makes me wonder if she nver really lost feelings for him.
  2. I've been with her for about a year now. I think we've had a very healthy, happy relationship, but we have had some rough patches. She is my best friend and the love of my life.


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